To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

What could be worse?

“Is there anything worse than hell?”

Recently I was in a meeting at work discussing a major dilemma when someone referred to it as “hell”.  Whimsically, the person asked “Is there anything worse than hell?” which created quite a bit of laughter.  I laughed along but then turned serious when I realized that there really is nothing worse than hell.  It’s eternal, everlasting, forever, “Hotel California”, whatever word you want to use to describe it… but there is NO WAY OUT.  In my mind, I leapfrogged right over the work issue to thinking how sad it is that so many people – many I know and cared about – are there FOREVER.  There’s nothing one can do to make someone believe the gospel which will save them from the worst thing ever, forever.  But, there is something each of us can do and that’s to SHARE THE GOSPEL with as many people as possible.  Hopefully if you’re reading this it’s because you’re already saved.  If you’re reading this and you’re not sure that you’ll spend your eternity in heaven, the BEST PLACE EVER, forever, then now’s the time.

Here’s the simplicity of salvation:  Admit that you’re a sinner – destined for death and hell – and that you need to be saved.  Believe that God, the creator of heaven and earth loves you and made a way for you to be saved. And believe in the way he provided, which was the shedding of blood and death of his only Son Jesus Christ, who was perfect and paid the price for our sins.  That’s it. No ceremonies, no alters, no confessions, simply BELIEVE!

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved  Acts 16:31